Cosmetic Dentistry in Saint Paul, MN
Time To Refresh Your Smile or Achieve a Total Dental Transformation?
Our Cosmetic Dentists Are Here To Deliver Your Dream Smile!
Cosmetic dentistry treatments can quickly refresh your smile or totally transform your teeth; at MCMID we offer aesthetic options to fit your specific needs. As a biological dental practice, we always consider and treat aesthetic issues in conjunction with structural dental problems. We know that when a smile is stable, healthy, and balanced it looks more attractive, and it does not accumulate as much damage as time goes on.
Here are some of the professional aesthetic treatments we offer:
- Teeth Whitening
- Composite dental bonding
- Porcelain Veneers
- Invisalign Braces
- Six Month Smiles®
You may find that one of these options fits all of your needs, or we may combine treatments to achieve your dream smile.
Real Patients. Real Results.
Crowns, veneers, and a bridge (learn more)
Crowns, veneers, and a bridge
It’s hard to believe that something so small could change my life in such a big way. I have been pain free with out drugs or surgery for years now. My teeth have been saved from more damage because I don’t grind them any more.
Veneers and crowns (learn more)
Veneers and crowns
This patient presented with 12 year old composite veneers. He disliked both the color and lack of vitality of his veneers. He had worn the veneers thin, so we replaced them with newer veneers and some crowns.
Crowns (learn more)
Very opaque crowns and extremely dark roots under the crowns from previous root canal therapies brought this patient to our office. We replaced the 3 front crowns and lightened the roots of the teeth with whitening. Not all of the darkness is gone but we achieved a noticeable improvement.
Full mouth treatment plan (learn more)
Full mouth treatment plan
This patient presented with rampant decay on the lower jaw and worn veneers on the upper jaw along with many fractured back teeth. She also didn’t like the shortness of her teeth and closed smile. A full mouth treatment plan including crowns, veneers, and a number of root canals and tooth build-ups created a very harmonious smile.
Crowns (learn more)
A fall brought this patient to our office to fix fractured crowns. We restored the 2 front teeth with long-term provisional crowns in a single appointment so she could heal and enjoy her smile again until we treated a number of other teeth that were in need of restorations. We then converted her crowns to Porcelain again.
Bonded Tooth (learn more)
Bonded Tooth
A crash in gym class against a concrete wall caused this fracture. We were able to successfully bond the broken piece back onto the fractured tooth to give this young man his smile back.
Bonded composite restorations (learn more)
Bonded composite restorations
Small fractures on the front teeth were treated with minimally invasive Air Abrasion. Then bonded composite restorations were placed on these fractures to bring back our patient’s smile.
Rejuvinated smile (learn more)
Rejuvinated smile
This patient didn’t think her smile looked nice, she wanted a restored and rejuvinated smile. After vigorous gum treatment, an implant was placed on the patient’s right side for the missing tooth. Then the crowns were replaced to restore the harmony of the smile.
Veneers (learn more)
Two old thick composite veneers were replaced here to leave the patient with the nicer, refreshed smile.
Veneers (learn more)
Veneers that were recently bonded by her previous dentist kept popping off, so this patient requested that we redo all 6 front teeth to get more solid teeth. We also did a smile lift by removing some excess gum tissue and rounding the corners of the teeth to achieve a nicer, more feminine smile.
Veneers (learn more)
This patient presented with chief concerns of short teeth and a gummy smile, so we placed 6 veneers after lifting the gums back to expose more root. This created a more harmonious smile.
Veneers (learn more)
Very worn and angular teeth brought this patient to the decision that she needed to restore her beautiful smile. 6 veneers were placed to accomplish this smile enhancement.
Veneers (learn more)
This smile on the right was immediately after orthodontic treatment, and the patient wore composite veneers until she was mature enough to take care of veneers. The final treatments included crown lengthening and new porcelain veneers to provide a long-term beautiful smile.
Crown replacement (learn more)
Crown replacement
Crowns were replaced on these 6 front teeth and gums were reduced to get these teeth more in proportion to the patients smile.
Veneers (learn more)
This patient sought us out to restore her worn smile and help her because she was grinding her teeth. We fabricated 6 veneers and placed her in a splint that not only protected her investment in her smile, but also relieved her terrible headaches.
Why do so many people pick the Minnesota Center for Minimally Invasive Dentistry for cosmetic treatment?
Real Results
Orthodontic treatment can transform your smile fast. Our team has helped numerous patients look their best with stunning, straight teeth—just take a look at their before and after pictures!
If you’re on a deadline for a wedding, reunion, or other special event, you may be a candidate for Six Month Smiles®. Six Month Smiles® is the revolutionary treatment option that can straighten you smile in a matter of months!
Friendly and Accessible
Our staff will work with your schedule to make orthodontic treatment easy for you in their convenient St. Paul office. The friendly and compassionate team will put your comfort first—you’ll know you’re in good hands!
Complete, Comprehensive Dental Care
Dr. Rachel, Dr. Mark, and our team can handle all aspects of dentistry. There’s no need to run around the Twin Cities to different dentists—MCMID offers Invisalign, Six Month Smiles®, general dentistry, and dental restoration care.
What Our Patients Are Saying
After working with Dr. Malterud for a couple of weeks to get the right fit for my NTI, the results are great. I may still get a headache but only for a few hours and not severe.
— Judy Wiedl
It's hard to believe that something so small could change my life in such a big way. I have been pain free without drugs or surgery for years now. My teeth have been saved from more damage because I don't grind them any more.
— Therese L
Mark is the absolute best. I recommend him and his team to everyone. No matter where I live in the world, our family will always use his services. Worth traveling the world over for. Thanks Mark!
— Tony Z.
Complimentary New Patient Certificate!
Complimentary 2D X-Rays (3D imaging not included. Up to a $162 value.)
Cosmetic Dentistry Information Packet
How it works, how much it costs, and much more...