Bale Doneen Method™ in Saint Paul, MN

Bale Doneen Method

Pioneered by Dr. Bradley Bale and Dr. Amy Doneen, the Bale Doneen Method™ is designed to reverse arterial disease, and improve cardiovascular health. As we learn more and more about the oral systemic connection, and how dental health is linked to overall wellness, our dental team has become committed to helping our patients using this protocol.

The Bale Doneen Method™ is comprised of six steps or goals:

  1. Education We use education to increase the understanding of what causes heart attacks and strokes. Additionally, we teach and help individuals take the action steps needed to prevent these catastrophic events. This empowers patients to make choices that lead to dental and whole-body wellness.
  2. Disease Our team then identifies the amount of plaque in the arteries of patients. This information is used to make informed treatment decisions; it also establishes the basis for disease monitoring over time.
  3. Fire We also measure inflammation, as inflamed tissue is indicative of infection. Minimizing inflammation over time is critical to safeguarding the patient’s health.
  4. Root Causes Once we have gathered information about plaque levels and inflammation, our team works to identify the root cause of these problems. 
  5. Optimal Working together we will set optimal goals to minimize your risk factors. Setting optimal goals keeps the patient on track, and allows our team to provide high-quality care.
  6. Genetics Genetic testing can give us more insight into the patient’s risk factors for disease and plaque accumulation. 

As we move through each of these components, we are building a treatment plan to fit your needs, as an individual. The ultimate goal is to maximize cardiovascular disease prevention.

What Our Patients Are Saying

After working with Dr. Malterud for a couple of weeks to get the right fit for my NTI, the results are great. I may still get a headache but only for a few hours and not severe.

— Judy Wiedl

It's hard to believe that something so small could change my life in such a big way. I have been pain free without drugs or surgery for years now. My teeth have been saved from more damage because I don't grind them any more.

— Therese L

Mark is the absolute best. I recommend him and his team to everyone. No matter where I live in the world, our family will always use his services. Worth traveling the world over for. Thanks Mark!

— Tony Z.

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